Strategic Planning


In the business world, we often talk about “strategy” as a mechanism to guide our decision-making processes. But how does strategy fit into your organization, and what does it entail? Princeton University defines strategy as an elaborate and systematic plan of action. The key word in this definition is “plan.” Every organization needs a plan, a roadmap if you will, to get where they want to go. Yet, for many organizations, planning, goal setting and problem resolution can be a difficult process. 

Our Capabilities

Our clients turn to us to assist their executive teams in creating sound consensus-building and decision-making processes that foster impactful strategic planning efforts. As objective stewards of the process, we help organizations develop a common vision to drive strategic priorities, goals, and action plans that allow organizational leaders to focus squarely on the issues that matter, and make informed decisions that shape and guide who they are, what they do, and why they do it, with a focus on the future.

The result is a strong, effective organization, and a clearer, measurable path forward.

Our Approach

The scope of work and timeline of a strategic planning process will vary depending on the needs of the organization involved and the depth to which every issue is addressed.

A typical strategic planning process may include an organizational needs assessment, facilitation of planning sessions, including a comprehensive SWOT analysis, and the development of a concrete, actionable plan.

To learn how SSA can specifically help you strategically anticipate and respond to change, 
contact us.

Our Experience

Driving the Application of Scientific and Technological Solutions

State officials and key stakeholders identified the need to develop excellent science to give local, state and federal policymakers, as well as residents, the information and options they need, not only to solve a scientific problem, but to solve social challenges as well.
SSA created the conceptual model and business plan for The Water Institute, along with leading practices research on governance, funding, staffing, and programmatic elements for 29 institutes with relevant missions. SSA also conducted stakeholder outreach and spearheaded planning efforts with vice-chancellors of Louisiana universities and research directors for other organizations around the world to help ensure early efforts of The Water Institute would collaboratively enhance ongoing activities of leading practice coastal and deltaic research institutions.
The Water Institute will create science and technology in Louisiana to inform the federal and state’s coastal restoration and hurricane protection efforts, building capacity and specialism at a level that does not exist today in the United States or around the world. The economic impact of The Water Institute will be realized not only through the building of capacity in academic institutions and private industry, but through the application of such knowledge in cutting-edge technologies that can be adapted for use by state and federal agencies or commercialized to advanced private enterprise.


Know Your Organization Needs Help,
But Not Sure What Kind?