North Oaks Health System

Accelerating the Growth of Leaders

A period of rapid expansion and growth at North Oaks Health System led to significant internal promotions of its workforce into managerial and leadership positions. The community-based hospital organization engaged SSA to assess its current makeup of all supervisors across all levels of the organization, and to provide training and feedback to aid in the growth and development of these key executives and leaders now tasked with managerial and supervisory duties to sustain and build upon this rapid growth across the organization.

SSA worked with North Oaks to identify 150 managers and supervisors across the organization to participate in the
 leadership development process through which every manager completed the assessments included as part of the Hogan Leadership Forecast Series. Following the completion of the assessments, SSA conducted one-on-one coaching feedback sessions with each manager with the goal of interpreting the survey results, identifying critical leadership behaviors for the purpose of soliciting feedback, and beginning the process of creating a Personal Leadership Development Plan. To help participants develop greater self-awareness of personal strengths and opportunities for development, SSA facilitated multiple “Wrap-Around Leadership Training” group sessions that included all supervisors within the organization. In addition to individual coaching and these wrap-around sessions, SSA conducted several teambuilding sessions to strengthen cohesion among vertical natural workgroups and supervisory team members within the organization.

Upon project completion, SSA conducted a participant-wide survey with both quantitative and qualitative question sets. Findings included high levels of satisfaction with consultants’ facilitation skills, interaction with groups, instructors’ energy and enthusiasm, and usefulness of information presented. Additionally, respondents reported increased levels of awareness for personal behavior and an understanding of the importance of receiving feedback from others. Moreover, open-ended responses from program participants supported conclusions drawn from quantitative data and confirmed participants’ commitment to personal development, organizational growth and team development. Because of SSA’s work on this project, North Oaks Health System requested SSA’s support to develop a selection profile and screening tool for all new physician hires at the hospital. In addition, the organization continues to turn to SSA to assist them in profiling new hires and with many of its subsequent leadership development efforts.



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